RC Radio Blog Comment Policy

I remind Birthers like paraleaglenm that there is a comment policy posted here that was updated almost exactly two years ago to handle people like him:

Added 2/25/2022:  Updated 3/28/2022. I am adding a few additional rules to my blog comment policy:

  1. Since it is indisputable that President Obama is a natural born citizen, was duly elected twice and served two terms any comment claiming otherwise without a citing a specific court case where either candidate Obama or President Obama was ruled ineligible by name will be deleted in it’s entirety. This applies equally to anyone commenting. This question was settled over a decade ago in 1898 and any further expression of ignorance about it is a waste of my readers’ time.
  2. This prohibition also includes dishonest questions about President Obama’s place of birth and birth documentation. Those questions were also settled long ago.
  3. Intentional misspellings of the name of the Democratic party will result in an entire comment being deleted. It is childish and intentionally done by conservatives to demean the party that does not support our enemy. See this article.
  4. Commenters who obviously supported the January 6, 2021 insurrection or support those who participated in the planning and execution of the unsuccessful insurrection from Donald Trump on down the chain  are not welcome to comment here. I consider them to be um-American, anti-democratic traitors and not capable of intelligent discussion.
  5. Commenters who violate the rules multiple times will be placed on moderation until they  demonstrate to the blog administrator(s) that they understand and will follow the rules.
  6. Trolls may be permanently banned at my discretion. A troll is defined as someone who repeatedly leaves  intentionally annoying or offensive comments in order to upset someone, to get attention or cause trouble

I think the rules are pretty clear and are why paraleaglenm joined Rambo Ike in moderation. He violated most of these rules within a few comments.

I should have clamped down earlier on paraleaglenm but since he followed a link over here that Doc C posted and he let me comment there I cut him some slack. He is done though.

About Reality Check

I have been following politics since my teens a very long time ago. I began debunking the Birther myths in late 2008. I commented an Birther sites and also fine sites like Obama Conspiracy Theories and Politijab. In 2009 I noticed that even though there were probably a dozen Birther radio programs not a single anti-Birther program existed. Therefore I started "Land of the Obots" on Blog Talk Radio. I later changed the name to Reality Check Radio. The program ran weekly until sometime around 2016. This blog was originally begun to provide a place to discuss the radio show, my guests, and topics covered on the show.
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3 Responses to RC Radio Blog Comment Policy

  1. John M. Woodman says:

    I am skeptical about the good faith of any birther.

    As you said, all of the birther issues have been clearly resolved for years now.

    The thing I find interesting at this point is how they screamed endlessly that Barack Obama was “ineligible” to be President, and a “usurper,” when he actually was perfectly eligible to be President.

    Natural born citizen of the United States, the appropriate age, met all Constitutional qualifications.

    Now that we have a major candidate who actually IS Constitutionally ineligible — by any non-insane reading of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution — if there’s any sound other than the sound of crickets chirping, it’s outright cheering for the Constitutionally ineligible candidate.

    Because it was never.


    Never, never, never, never, NEVER.

    About the Constitution.

    • You are on point on all counts John. Trump meets every definition of ineligible both Constitutionally and otherwise. I guess we will be waiting a long time for that blockbuster article at the Post & Email about Trump being ineligible.

    • COMALite J says:

      Oh, it gets better, John. Let’s say that by some flight of fancy it were actually true that the 2020 election really was stolen. If so, then №PO1135809’s actions to “stop the steal” up to and including January 6 would be legitimate actions to thwart a coup, not perpetrate one, and so wouldn’t qualify as an insurrection nor rebellion. §3 of the 14ᵀᴴ Amendment would not apply were this the case.

      If that were true, then №PO1135809 really is, as he (and his now-owned RNC) claims, the rightful winner of the 2020 election. Which means that he was elected to the office of President in 2020 as well as in 2016, right?

      Uh-oh. There’s another Amendment that comes into play in that case. Looks like the RNC, for having №PO1135809 as their presumptive nominee, is nominating someone who’d be ineligible either way — a Catch-22 situation. Literally Catch-22, as in the 22ᴺᴰ Amendment. It says that no Person can be elected to the office of President more than twice. Not “inaugurated into.” Not “serve in.” Elected. To.

      Therefore, if he really was the rightful winner of the 2020 election and was elected in 2016, sorry, but that’s twice. You can’t be elected President more than twice.

      So either way he’s Constitutionally ineligible to be President. Pick which Amendment he’s unconstitutional under, RNC. Catch-22/14?

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